Updated and Effective from: October 2024
- To clarify what is, and how Lend A Friend makes the Member Help Plan
- To explain to Helpers what is, and how to use the Help Plan for benefit Members
- The Help Plan is a dynamic document which guides the support team on how to best work with NDIS Members to achieve their goals
- It can be modified as needed to best represent the Member’s preferred way of being supported and provide access to important information
- Shortly after joining Lend A Friend, the Members Care Manager will prepare a Help Plan with the input of the Member, which will help the support team meet the Member’s needs
- The Help Plan is made by interviewing the Member, and asking questions about their disability, needs and preferred ways of being supported. The Help Plan may include:
- Member details (contact details, address, locations of shifts)
- Emergency contact’s details
- Disabilities and relevant diagnosis
- How the Member would like to be worked with:
- Things Helpers should avoid
- Things the Member prefers Helpers focus on
- Likes and dislikes
- The Member’s NDIS goals
- Allergies and important information staff need to be aware of
- Behaviour management techniques
- Medication requirements and medical history
- Emergency response plans (for example)
- Asthma treatment plan
- Anaphylaxis response plan
- Other information the Member wants Helpers to know
- Links to important information
- Incident report form
- RAD form
- Feedback form
- Medical documents
- Other important forms
- As Member’s needs change, the Help Plan can be changed as needed, by emailing the Care Manager listed on the Member’s Service Agreement.
- All Helpers working with Members will have access to their Help Plan, and are required to be familiar with each Member’s Help Plan to ensure:
- They know how to support their Member
- They know what to do in cases of emergency
- They know important information about their Member
- By being a Member of Lend A Friend, you consent to Lend A Friend providing the information in your Help Plan to potential Helpers, so they can be properly informed of how to best provide safe support to Members
Related Information and Documents
Using the Help Plan