Updated and Effective from: September 2024
- Details the steps that must be taken before Lend A Friend can provide RAD based services to a Member
- Detail the steps that must be taken before Lend A Friend can provide non RAD based services to a Member
RAD Based Services To Do List
Before providing RAD based services to Members, the following tasks should be completed:
- Collecting important data needed to understand the Member’s disability and care needs
- Lend A Friend to understand the Member’s NDIS goals, and make a Help Plan which reflects the Member’s goals and how we will work with you
- Creation of a Service Agreement, detailing the services that will be provided, Lend A Friend terms and conditions, and estimates of costs
- This should be signed by the Member before services are provided
- Within the Service Agreement, the Member should select which provider payment option they agree to (See Provider Payment Policy)
- An Estimate of Costs document should be sent to the Members Funder or Plan Manager so funding can be confirmed and allocated to our services
- Lend A Friend to onboard you into our software and business systems
- Matching the Member with a suitable Helper
- Signing of any other forms that might be necessary:
- Consent to speak with NDIA
- Consent to speak to Plan Managers
Workshop Based Services To Do List
Before providing workshop based services to Members, the following tasks should be completed:
- Collecting important data needed to understand the Member’s disability and care needs
- Member to confirm that these workshops relate to achieving their NDIS goals