Updated and Effective from: October 2024
- To outline the process of changing, reviewing or ending Lend A Friend Service Agreements
- The Service Agreement is in effect from the date it is signed until:
- The next NDIS plan review date
- The end date listed in the Service Agreement (if listed)
- Superseded with a new Service Agreement
- Formally terminated by Lend A Friend or the Member receiving support (or their advocate)
- Funding for our services have run out
- Changes to your NDIS plan have occurred, which have made our Service Agreement void
- A breech of our policies calls for termination of our services
- The Service Agreement is a dynamic document and can be changed, revised, and terminated if and as needed
Changes to the Service Agreement
- Lend A Friend has the right to make changes to our terms, pricing and Service Agreements as needed
- If large changes to services are required:
- Members can contact the Care Manager listed in their Service Agreement and request a change to their Service Agreement
- A new Service Agreement should be made to better reflect the new services that will be provided, and to reallocate funding for these new services
- A large change may involve:
- Changing the type of funding category being charged
- Drastically increasing or decreasing hours of services per week
- Having a new NDIS plan which is very different to the plan which their Service Agreement is based on
- Working on new NDIS goals
- If small changes to services are required:
- Members can contact the Care Manager listed in the Service Agreement to discuss what changes to services they want to occur
- The Member can make these changes by negotiating directly with their Helper, without needing to contact the Care Manager, provided the changes fall into the “small changes” category below
- Small changes may include changes in:
- Day or time of day that services are provided
- The Helper who provides the service
- Location of where the service is provided, or how its provided
- The type of service provided, assuming its still in a similar NDIS bucket of funding (Still core funding)
Reviewing the Service Agreement
- Service Agreements need to be reviewed, to ensure they remain reflective of Member NDIS goals and to ensure services provided are still reasonable and necessary
- Members can contact their Care Manager if they suspect their Service Agreement is due for review
- Members should alert their Care Manager if there have been changes to their NDIS plan, as this is cause for a review of the Service Agreement
- Care Managers will contact Members when they believe Service Agreements need to be reviewed and updated. Reasons for this could include:
- Member NDIS plan is being reviewed, and they get a new plan/goals
- Lend A Friend making changes to their business model, terms, conditions, and a new Service Agreement needs to replace an out of date one
- The Member requesting large changes to services
- If a Service Agreement ends before a new agreement is made, services may continue to be provided as long as both parties are happy with this arrangement, and the services are still compliant with NDIS requirements