In order to fulfil our duty of care, provide accurate services, and maintain a high standard of support, Lend A Friend must collect certain information from Participants, Helpers, Staff and stakeholders.

Lend A Friend will only provide Helpers directly involved with a Participant’s care with their personal information, and only in the context of helping provide the support requested in the Service Agreement.

As well as Helpers directly involved with a Participant, the Lend A Friend support team will have access to information on the Lend A Friend Software, and Information Technology assistants who manage the software will have access to information on the software.

Lend A Friend will only provide your personal information to external third parties with your consent. Examples of these third parties include:

In order to provide sensitive information like case notes, medical history, and identification documentation to third parties, Lend A Friend will need written consent by the Participant or Representative in the form of an email, or signature on a Release Of Information Consent form.

For more details on our privacy and data management practices, please see the full list of policies on our website.


Lend A Friend uses the following software: