All Helpers engaged with Lend A Friend must have an insurance policy with a minimum of:

Lend A Friend arranges cover through Bizcover insurance brokers, however Helpers have the ability to arrange different insurance should they choose, provided the abovementioned minimums are met.

Disability, Community, Aged Care, and Home Care insurance covers:

Disability, Community, Aged Care, and Home Care insurance does not cover, and hence Helpers are not covered for:

Helpers and Participants may choose to partake in activities which are not covered by the Helper’s insurance. Most activities which are organised by private companies, like rock climbing gyms, have their own insurance policies which may cover accidents in this setting. This will need to be confirmed with the management team of each activity and Lend A Friend can’t be held responsible for damages in these adventure settings. Participation in adventure setting is up to the discretion of individual Helpers and Participants, and not the responsibility of Lend A Friend.