Each Participant will have a Help Plan which can be accessed by Helpers in the Lend A Friend Software. The more Helpers are informed regarding the nature of a Participant’s disability, the better they will be able to manage dangerous situations, and minimise incidents.

As incidents can sometimes be unavoidable, each Help Plan also has a link to an Incident Report, so Helpers can immediately document the nature of any problem, large or small, for immediate response where necessary.

Lodging an incident report will:

An incident report should be completed at the soonest possible convenience after an incident, ideally immediately after the incident. This is so all information is captured and nothing is forgotten.

If it isn’t safe or responsible to complete the report during a shift, an incident report will be completed at the earliest convenience after the shift and will be billed in the same way as case notes would be. Incident reports can not be opted out of, as it is a Helper’s responsibility and duty of care to complete incident reports when an incident occurs.