Sometimes Participants and Helpers have a difference of opinion. While this is a normal part of human life, we encourage clear and respectful communication so any disagreements can be handled quickly and effectively. Please see our feedback procedure which outlines the steps we suggest to help solve potential disputes:

  1. Complaints should first be attempted to be resolved via communication and negotiation directly between the Participant and their Helper they are working with.

    1. Explain the problem or reason you’re upset
    2. Ask your Helper to repeat back to you why you’re upset, so you know that they understand
    3. Explain how you would prefer things to be instead
    4. See if this has fixed the problem
  2. If the problem is still occurring, repeat step 1 and mention that if the problem is not resolved, you will contact the feedback team

  3. If the issue remains unresolved, contact the feedback team from Lend A Friend Pty Ltd via this Email address: [email protected]

    1. Explain the nature of the problem, name of the Helper, and how you attempted to resolve the problem so far
    2. We will call you if we need further information
    3. The Feedback team will contact your Helper and have a private meeting to attempt to resolve the issue
    4. We will provide an update on what was said and if we think the issue is resolved
  4. If the Participant is still experiencing issues with this Helper:

    1. A meeting with the Participant, Helper and Lend A Friend Pty Ltd can be arranged to rectify the problem
    2. A new Helper can be arranged for the Participant if they don’t like the outcome of the meeting and prefer meeting a new Helper
  5. If issues persist, a private meeting with a member of the Lend A Friend feedback team can be requested, where we can discuss how to proceed from here