Updated and Effective from: January 2024
- To provide a guideline on how to approach feedback, grievances, and conflict resolution.
- The objective is to offer a step by step method to approach and solve problems, and provide a way to transparently communicate feedback with the outcome of minimising issues and increasing satisfaction for all parties.
- Lend A Friend has multiple methods that Helpers and Members can use to provide internal feedback:
- The Feedback form in our “Forms” section of our policies page
- Feedback form on our website
- Contacting your Care Manager
- Emailing the feedback team
- Feedback sent through any of the above methods will be viewed by the Feedback team and sent to the Care Manager responsible for the Member or Helper that submitted the feedback:
- Helpers or Members mentioned within the Feedback form will not have access to the Feedback, and confidentiality can be maintained if requested
- The Care Manager will aim to get in touch with the person who submitted the feedback, if they have requested this
- Where necessary, the Care Manager will take steps to try find a resolution to problems
- Helpers and Members who experience conflict or grievances with each other should first take steps to self manage their conflict:
- A procedure and process for approaching conflicts is listed in the below procedure section of this policy, and should provide steps to help solve conflicts.
- The above internal feedback policy is designed to comply with:
- The NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission – Effective Complaints Handling Guidelines for NDIS Providers
- The NDIS Practice Standards
- When Providing feedback:
- Lend A Friend will ensure that any feedback provided will not impact the care and support an individual receives from Lend A Friend
- We respect the privacy of feedback provided through our feedback management system and manage this by limiting access to review submissions to Care Managers and the Feedback team. Regular Helpers do not have access to Feedback systems
- We are committed to an effective feedback management system that supports improved outcomes and experience for individuals and learning for the organisation, however when the Feedback process has been followed and not resulted in the desired outcome, you may choose to provide External feedback:
- The NDIS Commission can be contacted to provide feedback about an organisation or its Helpers, if the Member does not wish to talk to the organisation directly
- Members can leave Feedback with the NDIS Commission by contacting them via the details listed in the “Related documents & info” section below
Helpers and Members will follow the following steps in the case of a Complaint, grievance or problem:
- Complaints should first be attempted to be resolved via communication and negotiation directly between the two parties with the issue (Member and their Helper etc.)
- Explain the problem or reason you’re upset
- Ask the person who has upset you to repeat back to you why you’re upset, so you know that they understand
- Explain how you would prefer things to be instead
- See if this has fixed the problem
- If the problem is still occurring, repeat step 1, and also mention that if the problem is not resolved or continues, you will contact the Lend A Friend feedback team
- If the issue remains unresolved or is reoccurring, contact the feedback team from Lend A Friend via this Email address: [email protected]
- Explain the nature of the problem, name of the parties involved, and how you attempted to resolve the problem so far
- We will call the feedback provider if we need further information
- The Feedback team will contact the feedback receiver for a private meeting to attempt to resolve the issue
- We will provide an update on what was said and if we think the issue is resolved
Note: If phone contact is preferable to email, please call your car Manager listed in your Service agreement or contract
- If the problem persists after our involvement:
- A meeting between both parties (feedback provider and receiver) and Lend A Friend can be arranged to rectify the problem
- If the outcome of the meeting has not resulted in a solution, we can work with you to find a different Helper to join your team
- If issues persist, a private meeting with a member of the Lend A Friend feedback team can be requested, where we can discuss how to proceed from here